Thursday, August 23, 2012

The (Non) Bennion Lake Trip

I was a bigger failure when it came to documenting the next adventure.  Nevertheless, I am determined to relate in words what these pictures cannot express.  You'd never know that this was a pack trip.  Not a single picture of horse nor pack nor trail.  Again, lame-o.

We left the day following the Gorge and started from Hoop Lake.  This trip had some mishaps, but not so many as to wreck our good spirits.   
On the way up the trail, a pack horse went wild and dumped his load over quite a distance. (Never name a male equine Blondie, no matter the shade of his coat)  Impressively, but unfortunately, when he was finally detained it was found that the only thing left of the actual saddle was the horn and seat.  We spent some time traipsing through the forest gathering stirrups, latigos and the cinch.  We still came up short, but with enough equipment to carry on.  
Our goal was Bennion Lake, but we set up camp at half the distance.  It was I with an aching belly who was responsible, but the fam was very kind, and spoke of  the advantages of such a decision.  
The second day, we made it to Bennion Lake for lunch where Eric and Ryan caught some fish.  Three.  Luckily, Steph came prepared.  (Not her first pack trip!)  So, we had plenty of other goods to supplement our baked potatoes.
The third morning, we rose to find that some of the beasts were missing.  This is nothing new.  Jake and Ryan knew just what to do.  They saddled some steeds and were on their way.  They found Flicka and her cohorts a mere 1/4 mile from the trail head.  The men returned to camp at half past eleven and ate their breakfast.

The two blog-worthy pictures:
Waiting for the horses to get packed at the trailhead.
Lucy, under the tree, taking refuge from the rain and hail at Bennion Lake.

Despite anything that may have gone awry, the kids all remained safe, as did the adults, and everyone had an enjoyable time.  Perhaps Lucy most of all.
Each morning, Lucy sat up, rubbed her eyes, and lunged for the door saying, "PAY!"  Always the first one up, her cousins were not yet ready to 'pay'  but she hung in there till they were.
And she had a grand time riding with Grandpa on his horse.  Three days later she remembered Abe's name with no prompting from me or Eric.

I can't wait to do this again (un-pregnant) next year!

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