Thursday, January 3, 2013

Big Catch

Like so many outdoors men past and present, Eric likes to 'go a fishing.'  
Not long ago, before Strawberry froze, (and maybe it's still open, I don't know) he had a wonderfully successful day.  Eighteen of these aquatic vertebrates took the bait.  He brought two of them home.  

In the beginning, Lucy was pretty excited about the 'big fishes.'

And big they were!  These are four-pounders y'all!  About the size of Sam at birth.
Okay, not quite.  But they were big.

The fish wanted to get a little closer to the cutie in the picture and that's when the cutie lost enthusiasm.  

The proud angler shows off his catch:

Here's the part where I get proud.  Take a glance at those fillets, baby!  These lovely fishes fed us for four meals.  Go, Eric!

In conclusion, "ice-on" was very successful this year! 

 (I don't know if "ice-on" is actually a thing.  But "ice-off" is, so I reason that if "ice-on" isn't, then it should be!  Although, further reasoning would have me call it "pre-ice-on" since at "ice-off" the ice actually is off, and it's not quite there at "ice-on."  "Pre-ice-on" it is then.  Or maybe "Ante-ice-on."  Anyways....)

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