Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Today I found our front door open and Lucy was two houses away walking down the street.  A car passed her as I ran across the neighbors' grass to grab her.  My heart hurt.  Also, she was in her jammies and it was past noon.  Needless to say, today has not been my best mommy day.  Anyway, I took a cue from Lucy and we went outside to play for a while.

 I got Sam bundled then laid him down and went to get my shoes.  When I got back, I was impressed to see he had gotten his favorite thumb free from his mitten and was sucking away.  Sweetie.

 Lucy got to work with her "shovel," transporting snow from the grass to the sidewalk.  

Sam and I sat on the steps until it started to snow.  Then I laid him down inside and went to watch Lucy a while longer till it was time for a nap.  And I hauled her upstairs kicking and screaming where she cried and yelled for me for half  an hour.  I guess we have good times and bad times around here.  The great news is, it can change from bad to good in a second.  Or maybe after a good long nap.  

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