Thursday, January 14, 2016


Sam turned three years old on the third!  We gave him the carnataurus figurine that was on the cake and a tyrannasaurus bones puzzle.  Wes and Debbie and Grandma and Grandpa Cropper joined us for a dinner of hotdogs and hamburgers and we had cake and ice cream afterward!

For Sam's birthday activity we went to the Thanksgiving Point dinosaur museum.  On the way, we stopped to eat lunch at Panda Express per Sam's request.  Sam was so impressed with the huge dinosaurs and so excited!  He liked using the paintbrushes to uncover dinosaur bones in the sand and they also had an erosion table that the kids both enjoyed!

For Veteran's Day, we took a trip to Southern Utah.  We stayed in a hotel in Moab for the first night and enjoyed pizza from Pizza Hut--Mom's favorite pizza place.  (They garlic butter their thick, soft crusts!)  The first morning, we explored Arches.  Lucy's favorite stop was Double Arch.  She climbed around like a mountain goat there and loved it!  Sam also liked that one best.  Mom loved coming around the edge of the mountain to suddenly see Delicate Arch.  (She'd always thought it was on the desert floor for some reason.)  Also, Mom loved seeing the contrast of the snowy LaSal Mountains to the red desert landscape.  We all enjoyed the hikes in the cold, cold air.

We made it to Upheaval Dome in Canyonlands but the favorite thing on that hike was the snow.  We couldn't keep the kids out of it--especially Lucy.

Possibly the very favorite stop was Goblin Valley on the second day.  The kids could have played there all day.  Dad, Lucy and Sam explored all across the valley and back--sometimes Dad chasing the kids, sometimes helping them reach the highest points.  Mom and Wade followed behind, occasionally acting as the "Momster."  Not pictured:  Mom made everyone pick a favorite formation and decide what it looked like.  Dad found a nose.  Mom found George Washington.  Lucy found a witch hat.  Sam found Bruce (from Finding Nemo).

The Slot Canyon!  Possibly Dad's favorite.  The kids really enjoyed it as well.  They hiked with no complaints until the very end.  Mom stressed about Wade's head bumping back and forth on the rocks in the very narrowest spots, but Dad kept him safe and sound.  Lucy spotted a lizard that made Mom jumpy.

Hair cut day for Wade!  He loved the mirror and did great through his buzz cut.  Bath time is his absolute favorite.  It may be the only time he would care one wit if Mom left him alone.  (Don't worry, Mom never leaves him alone.)

Playing around the house.

This year we put our tree up a couple of weeks ahead of Thanksgiving!  We all loved it.  The kids like their personalized ornaments--Lucy especially likes reading about when she was 3 years old.  

We had a fun Thanksgiving weekend in South Jordan.  Grandma and Grandpa Cropper, Wes and Debbie and Marisa were all there.  We went to the Good Dinosaur with Marisa and Grandma on Friday.  

The Benson Gristmill had a live nativity this year.  In exchange for a can of food, you get hot chocolate and a donut.  We arrived too late for the baked goods, but enjoyed the cocoa and the animals!

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