Thursday, October 18, 2012

Freezer Burn

This last conference weekend was pretty chilly.  Colder than it's been in a couple of years for sure.
But we still had so much fun!

Friday night, Grandma, Grandpa and Clint made burgers and fries and then we watched the BYU v. USU game.  Kind of a boring game.  I fell asleep.  Lucy and I had a rough night as we were sharing a cushion.  We must have kept waking each other up.  At one point, I had her join me in my bag.  Big mistake.  It was one of those camping nights that I lay awake waiting and praying for the sun to come up any minute.

The next morning, Lucy went to help feed the calf, a couple hundred yards from camp.  When Eric and I arrived a few minutes later, her hands were already frozen.  She must have touched the metal bars, and after that, there was no consoling her.  So we spent a good portion of the morning in Mom and Dad's trailer warming up.

We went for a family walk.  Lucy was leading the way and I decided we should have a picture.  Lucy didn't want to be picked up.  Not for the first time, I prayed that our next night would be more restful.

Despite the cold, we enjoyed some ice cream each day!

When we went a walkin' at 1:30 PM the river was still frozen.  At least in this spot.  Eric's fishing pole remained in the trunk for the entirety of the trip.

Lucy is forever talking about Flicka, Abe, Kate, Minnie and the baby calf.  A goal for me on this trip was to get a picture of Kate, since we had one of all the others already.  And I like this one, because she points out Kate, Lucy, and Flicka!  Plus, how cute is my sweet girl's face!?!  She loves those animals.

Some people struggled to stay awake for all the conference sessions.

We can always count on Lucy to keep my dad company.  Even during meal time.  And she ALWAYS eats what he gives her.  Why won't she do that for me?

Sweet baby Shaylie with her pretty blues.  I love her.

This year's movie is a western version of The Count of Monte Cristo.  Eric and I wrote out the lines, and some of the actors did some filming between sessions.  I think the opening scene is now ready to be edited.  

Lucy had a lot of fun running up and down the trailer while Minnie was being milked.  Wow, what a cold morning.  It makes me a little nervous to ever leave Utah now.

I attempted another DIY photo.  Fail.  I guess Eric was more interested in the cow.

Sister Sylvie feeds the calf again.

My lovely, freezing family!  

Milking Minnie was a big hit.

Allie joined in running on the trailer the third day.  Giggles, giggles, giggles!

I was standing around just before conference taking pictures and Lucy came up.  I guess she thought I wanted a pose.  She's saying "Cheese!" but was thinking, "I am so tired of taking pictures!"

The conference set up.

Steph and Lucy.  I love that these two love each other.

Lucy loved throwing the stick to Pepper and when Pepper had had enough, Lucy ran after her, trying to get her attention.

We also had to stop and get a picture of the cats at my parents' house.  Now I think we have every animal Lucy loves from Lonetree on our computer.  She looks through these pictures almost daily.

Bubba Gump.

We ended the conference trip with the swing.  Eric pushed so hard, I think he took Lucy's breath away.  She was loving it!

Favorite things:
Chris's cauliflower chicken soup.  Much to Eric's dismay I have since made four meals of it for the freezer.  It's not that he didn't like it, he didn't even try it I think, he just doesn't love soups. But, I made a selfish move and am so excited to warm up a yummy creamy, cauliflowery, concoction in the coming days.

Reading Steph's prenatal information folder, particularly the section labeled "The Purpose of Labor Pains," and "The Benefits of Water Labor."  I am so psyched up for the most excruciating pain of my life!  Good thing the reward is so phenomenal.

Warming up by the stove in the wall tent.

Lucy staying accident-free for the entire camping experience.

Elder Holland's talk, as usual.  I am grateful for his insight.  I love it when he talks about things I have never even pondered.  It seems he is always the highlight for me.

Seeing all the wonderful family that attended.  I love my family.

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