Monday, April 22, 2013

Easter Weekend

This Easter, we were able to spend time with both our families.  It was a wonderful weekend full of fun activities.

At Lonetree, we went to Bob and Maggie's ranch to see the baby goats.  They raise cashmere goats and harvest the hair.  That weekend, the babies were six weeks old.

The kids discussed names with Marissa and Lucy decided the black one should be called "Black."

It was Eric's birthday on Good Friday and he had a good time fishing all day long at the Gorge.  He caught some pretty nice ones (I think this one was five pounds?).  Not the 30-pounder he was going for, but there is always next spring!

Dad put together some delicious batter and fried these fishies up.  They were tasty! 

We colored some eggs, of course.  Sylvie joined the three littles for this activity.

The littlest little lounged on the couch.

Then there was an egg hunt.  The kids had a lot of fun.  I had stuffed some plastic eggs in addition to the colored eggs.  There was certainly no shortage of eggs to he hunted.  Jake upped everyone's excitement by joining the search.

The Mayo family got a new puppy earlier in the week and brought him along.  Lucy loved him.  His name is Chip, but Lu insists he is called Pup.

Pulling silly faces on the way to Grandma and Grandpa Cropper's house.

Grandpa had gotten his deer mount back and Lucy quite liked it!

Grandma and Grandpa hosted an egg hunt in their backyard and garden.  Josh and Mae were there to hunt too.  We had a birthday cake for Eric and a delicious dinner.

I love Easter time.  The sun makes me happy, Jesus makes me happy, and life feels fresh and new.

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