Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Temple

Today in nursery, Lucy built a temple out of sugar cubes, frosting and a gold bead topper.  It was very cute. I appreciated the leaders helping her create something so meaningful, even though she kept referring to it off and on as a castle.

In an attempt to reinforce what she had learned in nursery, we took a drive and spent a couple of hours at Temple Square.  What a glorious day it was!  

There is beauty all around when you're on the temple grounds!

Lucy enjoyed pointing out Angel Moroni (Anel Namoni).  She loved ALL the water.  She got her hands wet many times.

We took the tripod for a family picture opportunity.  Too bad Sam was enthralled with someone across the way.

The cutest kids on the Square.  

Sam would sit by himself for about five seconds at a time then fall.  But he never looked at the camera!

Oh my gracious, do I love this picture! I just want to kiss those baby cheeks all day long!

We happened upon the Gentry family at the Christus, which was a wonderful surprise.  They joined us for a walk on the roof of the Conference Center.

And that concluded our Sabbath outing to Temple Square.

Today I am grateful for my eternal family, for gorgeous days spent outside with them, for the temple, for friends we make while on this earth and every other good thing Heavenly Father has bestowed on me.  

What a happy day!


  1. Love the pictures! I really like the one where she is fascinated by the daffodil!
