Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Oh, August.  Not much happened.  We mostly stayed at home and had a good time.  Lots of playing puppies, lots of Lincoln Logs and lots of tickling and smiling at the baby.

Movie night!

Lucy had been asking if she could help feed Wade.  The next morning Wade slept late so I was able to make a bottle for him.  I woke Lucy up at 7 and asked if she wanted to feed Wade.  She popped right up!  She is a wonderful helper and pretty sweet to Sam and Wade.  :)

We had so much fun at the ward pool party.  Lucy especially loved going down the slide.  She was very entertained by the bishop participating in the Young Women's flash dance.  And she thought it was funny that her teacher pushed him into the pool afterward.   Sam had a good time walking in and out of the toddler beach.  And Wade was just cute.

Just some more fun at home.  Lucy and Wade watching TV together.  Eric and I collaborated to create the WELCOME sign.  The kids also got their craft on.

Wade was playing with his pacifier with his toes for several minutes till he lost it.  Cute.

Scripture Hero Sunday!  Daniel.  We made puppets and roared our little hearts out.

Playing in the box. :)  Dad returned from helping the Normans move for a scout activity and brought rice krispy treats for the kids.
Quotes of the Month:  

Sam:  "Mom, do you have shorts?"
Mom:  "Yes, but I am wearing Levi's today."
Sam:  "Why, Mom?  Shorts are fun!"

We were watching the movie HOME.
Lucy:  Well, THAT was a sad ending!...I wonder why my eyes are watering."
(The movie continued on to a happy ending.)

Mom:  "Let's sing the ABCs."
Sam:  "I can't."
Mom:  "Why not?"
Sam:  "I don't want to.  It's a GIRL song."
Mom:  "No it's not!"
Sam:  "It's NOT a boy song!"

Her third prayer in an attempt to find her friend Lena's lost toy kittens:
Lucy:  "Heavenly Father, please bless that we will find the two kitties today, not tomorrow.  Don't let us down.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.....Oh, I forgot something.  Dear Heavenly Father, please bless the Holy Ghost to warn us if it knows where the kitties are."

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