Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 16

 Lucy had a marvelous birthday this year.  She knew what was up this time, and she loved having a birthday!   In the morning, we went to the bank and the teller went on and on about Lucy's adorableness and asked how old she was.  I told her that it was her second birthday that very day and the teller gave Lucy two suckers!  Lucy was in HEAVEN.

We had two of Lucy's favorite dishes for dinner--spaghetti and broccoli.  Grandma and Grandpa Cropper came for dessert!  Lucy was thrilled to see them, thrilled with Elmo, and excited to open gifts.  

She blew out one candle after several tries, but got a little too close to the flame and sort of stopped blowing after that.  Eric blew the second one out before it melted completely away.

I wish I could figure out how to add a video, so ya'll could see Lucy open a present.  Super. Duper. Cute.

As it was only us and the grandparents, not much of the cake got eaten, so I made sure to leave Elmo's face.  Lucy asked to see "Melmo" several times yesterday and ate breakfast with him staring at her this morning.

October 16, 2010 is one of my favorite memories.   I love remembering how I felt when I saw Lucy for the first time and not being able to sleep during labor, or for the whole next day, because I was so excited about my sweet baby.  And now that I have had a couple of years to recover, I can even think about the night we took her home and I cried because Lucy wouldn't sleep and I could hardly keep my eyes open and my head felt like it would explode because I hadn't slept in two days.
I think on it often, especially now that we have another baby coming soon.  I am grateful every day for being blessed with such a beautiful, friendly, sweet little girl.  Each day with her is fun, and I love being her mom.

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