Sunday, June 9, 2013


Happy seven months old Sam!!!

I started my attempts to feed Sam baby foods about a week after he turned 6 months.  So far, not a lot of success.  Yesterday, I think he finally swallowed something.  That's all right.  I don't feel rushed.  The fun is in trying--apparently. :)

Happy anniversary!!!

We have now been married four years.  In celebration of this day, Eric bought flowers and I bought a tape measure.  I made funeral potatoes, bacon wrapped chicken and broccoli and we went to LAGOON!!  Dad, Mom, Sylvie and Eli were going with their high school and had extra chaperon tickets.  We took Lucy to play at her cousins' house and took Sam along with us.  The lines were short, so we rode 14 rides in 3 hours and Dad actually acted as chaperon to the babe.  I was spoiled.  I never sat a ride out.  Sam didn't get hungry.  I was FOCUSED!  It was incredibly fun, undeniably awesome, unbelievably amazing and absolutely marvelous.  
Someone in this house loves Lagoon. :)

Happy to be this girl's mom!  

Really, I was just looking for an excuse to post another picture of this sweet face.  I have recently been reminded that she will soon be growing up and leaving me.  I am so excited to see the person she turns out to be, but I would take that after a few more years of her just being 2.  

Things are good.

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