Sunday, June 9, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a fabulous holiday weekend.  The annual Lonetee Classic was cancelled so we went to Logan instead.  

My cousin Ryan got married and we crashed all the parties the Feuz family had going on!  We ate at the luncheon in the upstairs of the Bluebird Cafe, ate dinner at the reception, and ate lunch on Saturday at their house.  It was wonderful.  And not just because of the food. :)

On Saturday we went to Whitney, ID to remember those who went before.  This was my first experience of actually honoring the deceased with flowers and it was such a good time!  Grandma Humphery's parents and grandparents are buried in Idaho, and President Benson is buried in the same cemetary as her parents.  So we put flowers next to his headstone as well.  Lucy didn't comprehend the body under the ground, spirit in heaven thing.  She kept looking at the grass asking when he was coming up.  We had just had a Family Home Evening lesson about the prophet.  I was delighted that she remembered President Monson is the prophet today.  Apparently he is Lucy's "best friend."

On Monday, we went on a hike to Dog Lake in Cottonwood Canyon with our Cropper family.  It was a beautiful warm, sunny day.  Lucy kept an eye out for bear caves--very helpful!  

As usual, Sam was happy as a clam at high water to be riding with me. (Apparently, high water is the time when clams don't have to worry about predators so they are SUPER happy.  Just so you know. :) )  

Lucy had a fun time with Mae, especially when we got to the lake.  The kids all loved throwing the rocks in the water.  It never gets old.  Until you do.  Ha!

After the hike, we went to Cabela's to return a fishing pole then went back to G and G Cropper's house to partake in a delicious meal.  What a fabulous weekend!

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